AmigaActive (1804/2143)

From:Simon Preston
Date:28 May 2000 at 17:41:01
Subject:Re: serious problem -need answer quick :)

> There's going to be a section about music, in here we would like to have
> an option to enable
> the user to listen to some music (on demand, that is) but Im not sure what
> tag we should use.

> And since I dont have a PC to test it, what tag and which parameters work
> fine on all PC browsers?

Don't use MODS then.
MP3 is nicer. To link to a file that uses an mp3 then surely (I think) all
you would need to do is link to that particular file.

e.g. <a href=audio/title.mp3>Click here to listen</a>

MIDI works with all browsers as well but that never sounds as nice. Same
thing applies.

<a href=audio/title.mid>Click here</a>

As long as the users MIME prefs are set up correctly it should work.


Simon Preston

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